Support: [pi !] from Dresden
TV-shows at the late night legends Jay Leno, Jools Holland or David Letterman. Shows with White Lies, Incubus, R.E.M., Queens Of The Stone Age and Snow Patrol. Entering the british album charts (place 81): We are talking about The Duke Spirit.
With best references the group around power woman Liela Moss is going on tour in Germany in march 2012. The band from the UK then introduces their current CD "Bruiser" and proves, that their characteristic sound-mixture, consisting of garage, noise, rock’n’roll, classic rock & blues "matured to an impressive live act" (
The three gigs in Hamburg, Berlin and München will be supported by [pi!]. With their two gigs at the festivals Rock am Ring and Rock im Park, combined with the release of their debut album "A Perfect Beginning" (Mam Records) in 2011, the quartett from Dresden literally managed to beginn their carrer perfectly. At the twin-festivals "[pi!] rocked the audience..." with singles as "Radio" or "Overcome" "...out of their coma" (Rolling Stone). [pi!] is planing to complete their set of well-known tracks from the debut album with brand new songs from their second studio album, which is going to be released in 2012.
Tickets for the combined shows cost from 12 € to 19 € at advance sale (plus fees)
The Duke Spirit
Support: [pi!]
09.3.2012 Hamburg, Molotow Music Club (door: 19:00, start: 20:00)
10.3.2012 Berlin, C-Club (door: 19:00, start: 20:00)
12.3.2012 München, 59:1 (door: 20:30 Uhr, start: 21:30)
Tickets cost12€ to 19€ - plus fees! - at advance sale and at (hotline: 01805.969 000 555, costs: 0,14 €/min. from a conventional telephone network, max. 0,42 €/min. from a mobile network), (hotline: 01805.570 000), (hotline: 01805.4470).
Tickets for the show in München are only available at!
tour coordination: KBK GmbH in cooperation with kanoon,, 089-920 91 224
press:, 0821.58 97 93 88/9